Viewing your connections

On the Connections page, you can see a list of all of the payees you invited to connect with you, as well as the active connections.

To access the Connections page, in the toolbar, under Templates, click Connections.

Connections In Progress

The IN PROGRESS tab lists all of the connection requests that are outstanding. The ACTIVE tab lists the connections that are active.

These are the statuses that you might see in the STATUS column:


  • Activation Required—The payee has accepted the invitation and shared their contact and banking information. You need to review the details and activate the connection.
  • Active—A connection has been established and you can send payments to the payee.
  • Expired—The payee has not responded to the invitation within 30 days and the link in the email invitation has expired. To invite the payee again, you need to send a new invitation.
  • Pending—The payee has clicked on the link in the email invitation, but has not yet updated the information.
  • Sent—An invitation has been sent to the payee.